A Message from the Executive Director

Dearest Patrons,
One week from this evening, we were looking forward to welcoming you into our home here at the CM Performing Arts Center with our production of Irving Berlin’s Holiday Inn.
Unfortunately, during these unprecedented times, we had to halt our entire production. Once the all clear is given and it is safe for everyone to return, our cast will be ready to bring you the Broadway quality productions you are used to right here on Long Island.
For the past 33 years, CM has faced many hardships in which we adapted and overcame them with the help of supporters like you. While our productions are paused, our organization still has bills to pay to ensure that once we are able to open the doors again, we will be ready to welcome you back into our home.
We know these times are difficult for many of you, but we ask you during this time to help us keep the Impossible Dream going. 
If you follow this link, it will take you to our GoFundMe campaign. Those who have the ability to donate, we thank you for your support. We also ask that you help spread the message by sharing the link to your Social Media for those who are willing to Support The Arts here at the CM Performing Arts Center: https://charity.gofundme.com/o/en/campaign/cmperformingartscenter
Alyse Arpino

Alyse Arpino

Executive Director


Ticket Sales will be down Wednesday, November 8th

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