Looking ahead to 2021

Dear CM Community,

While this year did not turn out the way we expected, we are so proud of everything we accomplished together.  Whether you purchased a ticket to one of our shows, attended an interactive experience, tuned in to one of our virtual programs, made a donation, performed, volunteered, or simply cheered us along, you were an integral part of CM’s success this year.  This past year has forced us to use our creativity in new and innovative ways. Please see our 2020: A Year in Review video below for some highlights of all we have achieved this year in face of unprecedented challenges. 

2020: Year in Review

As the year comes to a close, we are so excited for everything we have in store for 2021.  As we await reopening guidelines from New York State, we must delay our Season 47 Main Stage lineup until we can open for shows at a larger capacity.  We have such an exciting selection of shows for this season and we would never want to compromise the production quality you’ve come to expect at CM nor would we want to raise ticket prices in a way that would make live local theatre unaffordable for our valued audiences.  Our Main Stage Season 47 will open July 31, 2021.  In the meantime, we have a complete selection of musicals, interactive experiences, classes, workshops, and other entertaining shows lined up for the beginning of the year.  


Ticket Sales will be down Wednesday, November 8th

as we get our new website &
ticketing platform online.

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